Poco – New font!

Last week my time was entirely occupied by AGDQ 2019 and experimenting with a new drawing program. This week, my time will likely be equally occupied with work. Lots and lots of work! It’s been a struggle lately to carve out time to complete the designs I already have in progress, as well as get new designs off the ground.

However, I did have enough time to put together this small-scale font earlier in December, and I’m also finally getting some time to release it.

This font was developed to help the team working on the open source Solarus game engine needing a tiny but easy to read pixel font with accented character support and an open license.

My other tiny font, mousetrap, was designed to have a very blocky, digital look with very thin letters. I decided to create something the same general size as mousetrap2 (the version where the cap height and ascender height are the same), but with a more open, Geometric style.

While mousetrap & mousetrap2 work best sized up (200%, 300%), reading Poco at 100% size is not too uncomfortable. And both mousetrap2 and Poco are the same 5 pixels tall! That extra pixel of width sure makes a big difference.

The name Poco comes from the Italian “poco a poco” or “little by little” I’d always see in music scores, back when I played piano as a kid. I’ve always thought that was a fun sounding little phrase.

Coming soon: I hope to do a few more font spotlight posts, if I can find the time to get together the necessary screenshots.

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