COMICORO – New font!

I read a ton of comic books as a kid, and always loved the look of comic book lettering. Nowadays I’m sure they’re all using digital lettering, but true hand lettering is beautiful!

I even still have an Alvin lettering guide I used to use for my comics, back when I still drew things on real paper!


That’s an Alvin lettering guide, by the way… Probably not a lot of people out there who even know how to use these things anymore.

Of course going on and on about true hand-lettering seems a little pointless considering this is the release post for a pixel font, just about the farthest you can get from traditional hand-lettering, but when am I ever going to get another chance to talk about an Alvin lettering guide?

COMICORO’s uppercase is based on the typical lettering you see in comic books (particularly superhero comics), with a slight italic tilt to things.  The lowercase is based on comic lettering as well, when there is mixed-case lettering (usually in thought bubbles & the like).

I think that it works best in all caps (like in most comics) but the mixed-case look also has a lot of personality. Both styles are a lot of fun!


Obviously this would work nicely in a game/interactive media, but I think it would also be cool to see this in some sort of pixel comic strip!

4 thoughts on “COMICORO – New font!”

  1. Hello, I´m an indie game developer, I was looking out for fonts to use on the game that I´m working on and really liked your font Comicoro. Can I use your font on my game obiously giving you the respective credit on the credits or should I have to by you a licence?
    Hope you answer soon and have a nice day.

    • Hi Pablo, all of my fonts are released under the creative commons, which means that you are free to use them (even if it’s a game you’re going to sell commercially!), you just need to include credit. There is no license to buy. Good luck with your game!

  2. I really love that font! Was building my game with it, but just now realized that it has no additional symbols. Accents and euro symbols, for localizations in Russian or German or whatelse. Any hope of update?

    • Hi Darth, Comicoro does in fact have accent support! It supports all accented characters in the Latin-1 unicode block (or at least, I’m pretty sure I created all those characters). One of the reasons I designed all of these fonts is, in fact, for accent support — pixel fonts in particular always seem to be missing these, which makes it very frustrating to type in anything but English!

      If you look closely, you’ll see that only the first two sentences in the example graphic (beneath the main alphabet graphic) are in English, the rest are in other languages to show off accent support (including German to show off ezsett). You can also see sentences including accents in the header graphic for this post.

      And although it’s not pictured here, if you look at the font on ( you can see Euro symbol is included. In total Comicoro contains 370 letters and symbols.

      The only thing it’s missing that you mentioned is Cyrillic support, which is something I’d love to add into more of my fonts… but that takes an enormous amount of time to design, especially since I don’t actually understand any languages that are written in Cyrillic, which means I have to find people who do to check for legibility. I’ve only released one font with Cyrillic support so far, and it ended up totaling 670 letters and symbols.


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