Finally caved and purchased hosting + a domain name–mostly because I’m kinda sick of’s limitations. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate their free hosting platform, but after working with .org sites for so many years, I’m used to actually being in control of my own site instead of having to comply with the platform’s restrictions.
To be fair, there were some perks to the environment–the drop-in image controls were pretty good, to the point where I’m wondering why they haven’t implemented anything like that in the Gutenberg editor (which I’m using now, if only to acclimate myself to it before it officially drops) but for the most part my feelings can be summed up with a, “Finally, I’m free of that obnoxious interface/toolbar!”
The individual font pages have all been converted to a CPT (as they should have been from the start) and I’ve gone through and updated all in-site links. All that’s left to do is close out the original pages, and of course update all the urls on dafont.
All in all: It feels kinda nice to have my own domain, even if it’s a stupid one that I came up with spur-of-the-moment. It feels like I’m much more invested in this now, since I had to pay for all this junk… gives me more incentive to keep going!
Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash